Simply PR Helps You Stay Relevant


I believe Albert Einstein said it best when he said, “Excellence is doing a common thing an uncommon way.”  I like this quote for two reasons. One, it being from one of my favorite people, Albert Einstein. Two, it couldn’t be more true. I strive to live my life seeking new and innovative ways to accomplish common goals. This is also highly relatable to public relations. Through our industry, you have to listen to your audience. You have to think out of the box. And you must certainly have to think on your toes. By being original and striving for excellence, you are staying relevant in the industry.

So what is Simply PR all about? I’m glad you asked. Like the title implies, the purpose of this blog is to simply talk about all things Public Relations. So, if you are as passionate about PR as I am, then this is the blog for you! Throughout our journey, I will be blogging about tips and tricks that I have learned through my time as a Public Relations major. I will also be touching on current companies under crisis and how they their brand is handled in the media.

Through my blog, I hope to engage you in conversation and emotion about the industry of Public Relations. I want us to learn from each other, so please feel free to comment with your own ideas and opinions to spark conversation. I want to hear about you.

I hope you enjoy following along. I look forward to sharing my ideas and hearing your thoughts about the ever-changing industry of Public Relations. Together, we can create excellence.

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